Memories beyond imagination!
Exotic Tours is a boutique travel agency with more than twenty years of experience. Our services include a wide range of travel options and top expertise in the sector of long haul and exotic destinations. Moreover, our long experience ensures the uniqueness, comfort and safety of every trip, whilst the correct information, guidance and the well-organized details of every trip create the ideal conditions for flexible and rewarding travel, in relation to the budget of each trip.
With an unlimited number of travel packages as well as expertise and care for individual travelers, Exotic Tours travel experts come up with travel solutions which cover all your travel needs worldwide. Constant search, sincere interest and commitment to services are among our top assets.
Along with the above and more specifically, we specialize in wedding-honeymoon Trips in all exotic destinations. Our experience and fresh look on every aspect of a trip allow us to create the ideal conditions for a unique experience. Re-start your new life in a world of luxury and enjoyment.
In cooperation with all airlines, the most exclusive hotels & resorts all over the world, a wide network of local associates and through on-site research, in Exotic Tours we have the ability to offer unique travel packages always to the most reliable and economical solutions.